Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cyber Schultüte

Hi, Didi

Just wanted to wish you a good start on your new study program on Monday. Let me know how things are going!

This past year's group gave their final presentation on Friday. It went fine. They're still waiting for the results of the written IHK test. The new group is supposed to start on October 8, but I'll be on vacation, so we'll see what happens with that.

All the best,

1 comment:

Didi said...

Hi Michelle,
thank you for the nice Schultüte. All my teachers are ok and the course is not very difficult. But we are 17 girls. They are all very "Schicki, Micki" and they all look like they wanted to win at Germany´s next Topmodel!!!I have to tell you everything when we meet again. Greatings, Didi