Monday, July 31, 2006

Back in Germany

Hello, I'm back in country. The past week at the conference in Indianapolis was very busy and booking internet time at the hotel was very expensive so I haven't been in touch. I hope your speech/presentation course was helpful and that you've been working hard. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hello Michelle

Fritzi and I haven´t had a chance yet to do the interpretation of the poem. We will do this as soon as possible. :-)
See you on Tuesday, bye Didi

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Learning Styles

Here's a learning styles website with several tests for learning, multiple intelligence and an analytical/global thinking test. All in English.

You can take a short test in German here.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Nice little video illustration:

"Watch an example of cultural misinterpretation." This site is also the source of the glossary that was passed out in class.

Intercultural Links

Culturosity - a good resource site with short, helpful articles and links.

Kwintessential is the site of a company that offers training courses. Free services include country profiles and some online tests to see how culturally aware you are (the test didn't work for me, though?!)

An online cultural training course for students who would like to study abroad. Nice photographs and good info!

And here is a link to the results of Hofstede's research on his five dimensions of culture in various countries.